
NH: Day 4

Today we went to the New Hampshire State House and I fell in love! This state is truly people run, the way government was intended by our founding fathers. The House of Representatives is composed of 400 members, the largest in the U.S. Each Representative also receives a constitutionally mandated salary of $100. I had the opportunity to meet the Secretary of State, A State Representative, and an Executive Councilor.

Our class was introduced by the Senate during their session as well as during the Governor’s State of the State Address during the joint session. This comprised of the House, Senate, and Judiciary.

After the excitement at the State House we proceeded to a Donald Trump rally. One of our classmates is working on the campaign so we got VIP seating here as well.

I was worried beforehand but the event surprised me. Before the event, an automated message played informing the crowd that if members of the crowd started to protest we were to single them out for security to remove. To do this we would hold “Trump” signs over our heads and chant “Trump” until the protestor was removed. Luckily this scenario didn’t occur but I was a little uncomfortable with the mob mentality set on us. When Mr. Trump finally appeared he was met with a lot of applause despite it being a small rally.

In terms of content, the message was vague and not nearly as offensive as the media had portrayed of previous rally’s. It is worth noting that Mr. Trump used a lot of profanity. After the rally, Mr. Trump ran by to sign posters and take selfies. While not my usual cup of tea, I’m glad I had this experience.

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